Clutch #61
Sire: GHI Spotnose
Dame: GHI Spotnose Het Red Axanthic
Date Laid: 6/25/19
Eggs: 6 eggs, 1 slug, 1 infertile
Clutch Results:
Clutch #62
Sire: Pastel Phantom Yellow Belly
Dame: Normal
Date Laid: 6/30/19
Eggs: 11 eggs
Hatched: 8/24/19
Clutch Results:
1.1 Pastel Yellwobelly
1.0 Phanton Yellowbelly
1.0 Phanton
2.1 Yellowbelly
1.0 Normal
Clutch #63
Sire: Pastel Coral Glow
Dame: Bumblebee
Date Laid: 6/30/19
Eggs: 6 eggs
Hatched: 8/25/19
Clutch Results:
0.1 Killerbee
1.0 Pastel Coral Glow
0.1 Bumblebee
0.2 Pastel
0.1 Normal
Clutch #64
Sire: Super Pastel Puzzle
Dame: Sterling 66% poss het Puzzle
Date Laid: 6/30/19
Eggs: 10 eggs
Hatched: 8/29/19
Clutch Results:
1.3 Sterling Puzzle
1.1 Super Pastel Puzzle
1.1 Sterling het Puzzle
2.0 Super Pastel het Puzzle
Clutch #65
Sire: Orange Dream Sulfur
Dame: Bumblebelly
Date Laid: 7/21/19
Eggs: 7 eggs
Hatched: 9/16/19
Clutch Results:
0.1 Pastel Sulfur Yellowbelly Orange Dream
1.0 Sulfur Bumblebelly
1.0 Bumblebee Orange Dream
0.1 Pastel Yellowbelly Sulfur
1.0 Bumblebelly
1.0 Dreambee
0.1 Pastel Sulfur
Clutch #66
Sire: Lavender Albino
Dame: het Lavender Albino #2
Date Laid: 7/22/19
Eggs: 10 eggs
Hatched: 9/18/19
Clutch Results:
3.1 Lavender Albino
1.4 het Lavender Albino
Clutch #67
Sire: Hypo Cinnamon Sugar
Dame: Yellow Gene Hypo
Date Laid: 7/27/19
Eggs: 5 eggs, 1 slug
Hatched: 9/21/19
Clutch Results:
0.1 Hypo Yellow Gene Sugar
0.1 Hypo Sugar
1.0 Hypo Mojave
1.1 Hypo
Clutch #68
Sire: Pewter Puzzle
Dame: Super Pastel 66% het Puzzle
Date Laid: 8/15/19
Eggs: 8 eggs
Hatched: The original sire was a Super Pastel Puzzle. We paired the Pewter Puzzle to this female one-time in March of 2018. Apparently once was all he needed!!